Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Learning... a never ending process.

       In the medical field, we call it Continuing Medical Education (CME). So many new products and procedures come out every year so we have to keep updating ourselves with all the things out there by attending conventions and conferences. Even specialists like us get to hone our skills by participating in  workshops and master classes to perfect our craft. This has been a busy year and we're just about to enter the second half.


Master Class Cadaver Workshop for Botox and Fillers, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, May 2014

This workshop involved a more advanced lecture in facial anatomy, especially on the vasculature and danger areas of the face. We did hands-on injections on live cadavers of botox and fillers on different areas and depths of the face... then they open up the face layer by layer to see where the botox or filler was injected using color-coded dyes. This was a very useful and informative workshop, thanks to Allergan.

Innoaesthetics Lecture and Worshop, Skin Academy, Barcelona, Spain, June 2014

A two day lecture on new innovations and products for the skin. Very knowledgeable speaker since he is the one who creates these formulations for many companies.

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